Overview of the process

The programme development process 2021

Below you will find out how to contribute to and participate in the development of the programme and what this process means for you and your radio show on ORANGE 94.0. But before we go into details let us explain the reasoning behind the idea.

Community radio in 2021 – what could this be, how does this sound?

The ORANGE 94.0 programme is intense, diverse and constantly changing. That's pretty impressive about our radio. In this assemblage, however, it is also easy to lose track and orientation. Both in planning the programme and in listening to it. So every few years a reflection on the programme and its structure is needed in order to regain an overview.

Besides arranging and organising a few basic questions arise:

  • To whom is our programme directed and what impact do we want to achieve?
  • Who is represented in the programme, wo is missing and why? How and to whom is the existing broadcasting time allocated?
  • Does the radio mirror the city and how can we not only represent, but also co-create the city?
  • Which specific qualities does the ORANGE 94.0 programme have and how can they be strengthened?

We want to deal with these questions as part of the O94PROGRAMM NEU DENKEN process. In addition to the content-wise questions, the process is also about structures for exchange within the radio. In times of digitization and pandemics, the prerequisites for community radio production is changing. How are these developments reflected in the programme? And how can ORANGE 94.0 still remain a common space for different groups and actors in the city?

Why do we need a new programme schedule?

→ Listeners can find their way around the programme more easily
→ Every series reaches the audience which it is intended for
→ To find space in the programme schedule for new radio shows
→ Special programmes can be planned together
→ To create interrelations and a networked public for important topics
→ To enhance the special qualities of the ORANGE 94.0 programme

What exactly will happen in 2021?

Analysing the programme

To start with we want to shed light on various perceptions of the ORANGE 94.0 programme. Three different perspectives play a role:

1. The background - O94 PROGRAMM NEU DENKEN is not the first reform of the programme in the history of ORANGE 94.0. Form time to time it is necessary to take a look at its composition. We want to learn from positive and negative experiences from the past. In any case, one of the important findings of the programme developments so far is: A new programme scheme is not the end of the process, but its beginning! So programme development will be the topic of discussions in the years to come ...

2. The current programme - With so many radio shows on air, it is not easy to know who is actually producing the programme. How is the airtime divided according to age, gender, language, word: music, etc.? Is ORANGE 94.0 a mirror of the city and where does the radio want to set a special focus? To find out, we evaluated the existing documentation of prior programme development processes as well as the programme itself. And we wanted to add your assessments to this data - a survey for all radio producers was running until the beginning of March.

3. The audience - In the re-structuring of the programme, we want to include what the listeners of ORANGE 94.0 think and wish for. The results of the recent listeners' surveys are also included in the analysis.

Discussing the programme

Based on the results of the analysis, some of the big questions about the programme will be discussed at the Radio Forum on April 29, 2021:

  • How do we create orientation in the schedule? According to which categories can the radio programmes be sorted?
  • How can we fulfill our mission as a community radio station? What's the mandate in 2021? And how do we ensure diversity?
  • What does a programme scheme look like that enables continuity and orientation at the same time and is still open to new stuff?
  • Are we achieving our goals with our radio shows? What defines the quality of the programme and how do we ensure we can realise it together?

Organising the programme

With these discussions in mind, programme coordination and development work on programme sections and a programme scheme. Over the summer there is time to allocate the individual radio programmes in this overall scheme. Programmes on ORANGE 94.0 won't and can't easily be pigeonholed - so it will be a matter of finding a scheme in which the various identities can be reflected.

Reflecting the programme

In order to be able to assign your programme to programme sections or categories, you will need to reflect on your own programme concept. What and who do you want to reach with your show? This question is at the beginning of the PROGRAMM NEU DENKEN phase, which is about reflection and feedback - in order to define together what quality could mean in a community radio. In a series of workshops and meetings over the course of autumn, you will have the opportunity to exchange ideas about your own and other radio shows, learn from each other and discover what can better be realised as a common effort than alone.

In case of any questions on the process, get back to Fiona at programmentwicklung@o94.at.